The Grand Plan

I plan to build a huge OO layout around the insides of my converted barn.  The barn is 14m x 7m and the layout will run around 3 sides with terminus stations at each 'end'.  In the middle there will be a smaller room that's got a more traditional circular layout that connects in with the terminus to terminus mainline.

My goal is for total automation - I want to press a button and watch 10+ trains as they speed around the track following signals and routing to their destinations.  This will mean lots of sensors.  I don't want scheduling, I want each train to set about it's mission independently and for blocks of tracks to lock, and points to work automatically.

I'm a software developer, so naturally i'll be starting from scratch and writing my own control software.  I plan to make extensive use of Arduinos to run the points and sensors.

For DCC Control I Plan to use DCC++ also running on an arduino.  It's powerful and flexible and being open source means I can tinker with it if I have to.  For hardware i'll use a 43 amp H-Bridge and a powerful 10 Amp 18 Volt supply.

For Track I Plan to use Peco Finescale with all Electrofrog points.

For point motors I will use Tortoise - these are low current draw which is perfect for Arduino control, and the slow movement looks much more realistic.

I feel the layout is perfectly suited to passenger services so I plan to use Modern Era rolling stock, i'm not particularly focussing on any region of the UK, so it will be a mix of things I like the look of, all with DCC sound.

Here's my map.... hard to see the detail because of the scale of it.
