The Network Grid

The central software will run on a PC, and it will talk to a grid of Espduino microprocessors which will do the bidding.  They will be responsible for all points and for all sensors.

The Espduino is similar to an Arduino, but it's based on the ESP8266 processor.  It's got built-in WIFI, so it can power up, connect to a WIFI network, and then connect to the central command software.

Here's an Espduino, yours for as little as £6 from china, or £10 in the UK.

It has 16 digital pins, but some of them have some odd behaviours, so it seems only about 8 of them are reliably usable.  8 pins is perfect to power 4 sets of points, so it seems like i will use one of these for every 4 sets of points.
